Usurbilgo Lanbide Eskola is a vocational school. There are courses for initial vocational training levels 2 and 3, continuous training for active workers, occupational training for unemployed people and taylor-made courses for companies. Our training fields are electricity-electronic, mechanics and maintenance.
Usurbilgo Lanbide Eskola is deep rooted in its area. A huge number of employees in the companies of the area have been studying in the School since 1975. We have been offering occupational and continous training courses since 1986.
The School is pioneer in quality systems in the educational field. We are certified in ISO 9000 since 1999. We also are certified in Investors in People since 2005.
The School has a close relationship with the labour market. There are collaboration agreements with more than 300 companies for training students and innovation projects.
The School has a full service of employment: Basque Service of employment guidance, Basque Service of employment and an Employment Centre.