[EUS] vETskillinG izeneko nazioartekotza proiektuaren barruan, gaur ikasturte honetako lehenengo online bilera egin dugu. Helburua, datorren astean Dordrecht (Herbehereak) hirian burutuko dugun topaketan parte hartuko dugun 5 nazioetako 25 ikasle eta 10 irakasleak elkar ezagutzea izan da. Gure ikasleek lan bikaina egin dute!!
[ENG] As part of the internationalisation project called vETskillinG, today we held the first online meeting of this school year. The aim was to meet the 25 students and 10 teachers from the 5 participating countries in the meeting that will be held next week in the Dutch city of Dordrecht. Our students have done a great job!